john hertzberg 1999

Directions I. Directions I.1999.
Assemblage, 30" x 48". $2000.
Five Smooth Stones. Five Smooth Stones.1999.
Assemblage, 32" x 48". $2000.
From the Inside Out. From the Inside Out.1999.
Assemblage, 96" x 48". $5700
Mercury Rising. Mercury Rising.1999.
Assemblage, 32" x 48". $1800
Mirror Image. Mirror Image.1999.
Assemblage, 24" x 48". $1500
Phantom Engineer. Phantom Engineer.1999.
Assemblage, 24" x 48". $1500
Slow Journey. Slow Journey.1999.
Assemblage, 24" x 48". $1500.
The Way Out. Way Out, The.1999.
Assemblage, 49" x 48". $2800
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