john hertzberg mirror image

Mirror Image.
5 of 8

John Hertzberg.
Mirror Image.1999.
Assemblage, 24" x 48". $1500.


No creaking noise can be heard
As the silent hinge unfolding
Revealing mirror images suspended
Through receding rectangles
Where Mona Lisa slowly comes into view
While black arrows of Robin Hood
Go flying through the morning dew
Hitting the appointed mark
Well past Dawn's early light
Falling upon the last triangles of night
Precariously balancing final frozen words
Just before Mercury's swift winged feet
Touched down upon Mother Earth
And became embroidered upon his Socrates Suit
Now casting a life line
Hoping to rescue driftwood thoughts
Floating past brass rings which cannot
Begin to conceal all that was lost
Now encompassed within the Iron Mask
Swinging like a pendulum at last
While time keeps ticking off
Trying to stay even with the pristine sand
Pouring through the hourglass at hand
As Columbus steps out upon the deck
And peers through his telescope
Where floating visions are trapped
Inside the cosmic dust of Time
Being reminded just how fortunate he's been
All the while the calliope played on
Soon to be followed by the crimson red fingers
Of once again the dawn

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